Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two years ago to this day, Grayson Lynum took me hiking in the Vernon Marsh, a beautiful wetland--the same one he took me hiking in to ask me to date him. This time, just like the fist, he built me a fire. This time, like the first, he asked me a big question. But this one was a bit weightier than the first. And this time, unlike the first, he placed a beautiful gold ring on my hand.

That ring makes me smile to this day when I glance down at it. And behind it lays a simple golden band. It's a simple symbol signifying an ever-increasing devotion I have to my husband. An ever-increasing love.

It's incredible the amount of life you can live in the span of two years, and how very different that life can develop than first expected. Here I am, two years later, married to my best friend, and 6 months pregnant with our son. God has brought us so far in our marriage, our schooling, our church, and our pursuit of ministry.

But today I am thinking also about how far God has brought me in my relationship to Him in the past two years. I am ever thankful for the growth He has produced within me. Today I wrote a paper for class on what it has means to me, in my life, to be "complete in Christ".

"and in Him you have been made complete" (Colossians 2:10)

I am fully complete. He has fully reconciled me that I have complete access to Himself and all the riches of Christ. Hope. Glory. Peace. Joy. Goodness. Strength. Victory. These are all presently mine in Christ! The potential I have in Him is complete fullness. My life is hidden within Him, and I am secure because of that. I am safe and secure in my future glory with Him. As well, I am safe and secure in my life here on earth, because it is founded in Him. I can live fully victorious in Him! I am no longer enslaved to my old sinful nature. Instead, I can live fully aware of all I have in Christ. In His power I live identified with Christ in newness of life!

Two years is a short time. The past two have been packed full of life! And I have a feeling this is still just the beginning.....

1 comment:

  1. Very nice entry!

    You two make me very proud, they way you both chase after God's own heart!
